Please join us for the annual fund-raising Wise Owl Quiz at Monk Fryston and Hillam Community Centre on Saturday 8th February.

Bring along a team (max 6 per team) and try and win the coveted Wise Owl trophy to decorate your mantelpiece for the next year (or come back and defend your title if you were on last year's winning team!!). Alternatively aim for the equally prestigious Wooden Spoon for last place. Either way you will have a fantastic evening battling through 9 rounds of questions on a variety of topics. 

The price includes a Chili Con Carne supper (vegetarian option is available) and there is a pay bar and raffle to keep everyone entertained.

Last year we raised over £1,000 for the Community Association so it's a great way to have fun but also support us !

Doors open at 7pm for a 7.30pm start.The bar closes at 11.00pm

Tickets £8.00 per person

Book using this link ; Book Here

Monk Fryston and Hillam Community Association is a registered in England and Wales under charity number 1182400 at Old Vicarage Lane, Monk Fryston LS25 5EA
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